Sunday, September 14, 2014

Halloween October 13, 2013

We are slowly continuing to catchup. We are looking at Halloween October 31st. 
This past Halloween was Hudson's 1st official Halloween running with the big boys.
All 3 boys decided they wanted to be Captain American for Halloween.
Thanks to Grandpa & Grandma Roy the boys were set with their costumes.
The night of Trick or Treating it was poring Rain but Dave's family came to celebrate trick or treating & we all ran up & down our street to trick or treat.
So Much Fun!

Hudson's 1st Real Trick or Treating!
Running from door to door! Showing us his candy & then sleeping with his candy!

The 2 Big Boys! They know the routine this year!
Getting ready to trick or Treat!

The 2 Big Boys Running in the Rain from Door to Door!

Daddy helping all 3 boys! Our boys were the cutest Captain America's!

End of the night photo with All the Captain America's.

It was a great night :)

We really do have some cute little Captain America's. 

Halloween Continued…. Our Visit to Toronto/London

In October we got a chance to drive up to London & then Toronto for the week. We went for the Canadian Thanksgiving week. During the week we stayed with my parents, played at the parks, visited McDonald's play land & visited my Grandpa's house. That weekend we went to Jenna's Halloween party & visited Lego Land.

Here are a few pictures from our fun week.

Introduced the boys to the Bulk Barn. Such a great candy store.

Hudson had just learned to walk so he's walking the halls of my Grandpa Leo's apartment.

Myles & Hudson checking out the rocks & dirt at my Grandpa Leo's apartment.

Lego Land. Dave actually flew into Toronto to meet up with us at Lego Land.

Playing at Lego Land with Grandma.

Josh & Jenna came to LegoLand with us.

We got a few pictures of Jenna's fun Halloween Party.

While in Toronto we also got to stay at my Aunt Darlene & Uncle Steve & Granny Scott's House.

It was a very fun but busy week/weekend.
We love our visits to Canada.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot about the awesome Halloween party in Toronto where there was 5 Captain America's!!
    Great pictures!
