This past week I recruited more friends & family to help out with November's fitness challenges.Staying on task is so much easier when other's help keep you motivated.
My 1st recruit was my husband joining my personal training class. Attending class together to work our butts off is almost like a mini date night BUT instead of eating cake we are exercising. (Although we probably both wish date night included dessert).
And now Monday night classes are so much more fun now.
On Tuesday & Thursday mornings I am now attending another workout class with another friend from church. Knowing that I have to get to the gym b/c someone else is there is so much motivating. It also makes going to the gym so much more fun when you have an actual adult there to socialize with.
And thirdly my Canadian family is also working their butts off & avoiding treats, diet coke & exercising to also work towards being a little more healthy.
Working out & eating healthy has really taken on a new life with so many workout partners.
This past week I lost 2 . 7 lbs.
Total lbs lost 11. 7 lbs.
2.7 is AMAZING! You should be so proud to share!!!