We are slowly continuing to catchup. We are looking at Halloween October 31st.
This past Halloween was Hudson's 1st official Halloween running with the big boys.
All 3 boys decided they wanted to be Captain American for Halloween.
Thanks to Grandpa & Grandma Roy the boys were set with their costumes.
The night of Trick or Treating it was poring Rain but Dave's family came to celebrate trick or treating & we all ran up & down our street to trick or treat.
So Much Fun!
Hudson's 1st Real Trick or Treating!
Running from door to door! Showing us his candy & then sleeping with his candy!
The 2 Big Boys! They know the routine this year!
Getting ready to trick or Treat!
The 2 Big Boys Running in the Rain from Door to Door!
Daddy helping all 3 boys! Our boys were the cutest Captain America's!
End of the night photo with All the Captain America's.
It was a great night :)
We really do have some cute little Captain America's.
Halloween Continued…. Our Visit to Toronto/London
In October we got a chance to drive up to London & then Toronto for the week. We went for the Canadian Thanksgiving week. During the week we stayed with my parents, played at the parks, visited McDonald's play land & visited my Grandpa's house. That weekend we went to Jenna's Halloween party & visited Lego Land.
Here are a few pictures from our fun week.
Introduced the boys to the Bulk Barn. Such a great candy store.
Hudson had just learned to walk so he's walking the halls of my Grandpa Leo's apartment.
Myles & Hudson checking out the rocks & dirt at my Grandpa Leo's apartment.
Lego Land. Dave actually flew into Toronto to meet up with us at Lego Land.
Playing at Lego Land with Grandma.
Josh & Jenna came to LegoLand with us.
We got a few pictures of Jenna's fun Halloween Party.
While in Toronto we also got to stay at my Aunt Darlene & Uncle Steve & Granny Scott's House.
It was a very fun but busy week/weekend.
We love our visits to Canada.