In preparation for boy #3 our final purchase arrived today. Bunk Beds!
At first I was against the whole idea of bunk beds but out of necessity I caved.
Our 2 boys have now officially entered the world of bunk beds.
Here are the 2 boys & our dog excitedly waiting for the BIG truck to arrive.
They do love their trucks.
Bunk beds have sure advanced since I was a little kid.
When I was little we had plain metal bunk beds.
Today, the types of bunk beds are endless.
We decided on these beds because I love the practicality of the one bed being able to store underneath the other bed when you are not sleeping in it. It just roles right under.
I also love the cute little stair drawers.
Our boys are already having way too much fun.
They also love their new blankets from their Aunt Mary & the Roy Grandparents.
I think we are officially ready for boy #3 to arrive.
Now all I need to do is to get this stubborn little man to flip.
Only a few more weeks left & this baby is my sideways stubborn little boy.
Off to the swimming pool again & again & again & again.