At Nursery today Myles teacher asked all the little kids who has a mommy who loves them soooo much?
All the little children in excitement put up their hands to let her know they all had mommy's who loved them soooo much.
On the other hand Myles response was "Mommy Works!"
If you saw my last post I mentioned that my working hours have increased substantially since January.
So it's understandable that both boys responses lately to topics about mommy are "mommy works".
The good news is that I have been lucky enough to continue to get to work from home.
The other good news is that I have also been lucky enough to have my brother-in-law continue to help babysit. The boys really do love him & sometimes I wonder if either boys were attending school they would introduce their family as "My 2 Dads".
When these extra hours started to increase I decided we could work towards a Goal.
I knew that with a 3rd boy on the way we would need a bigger car.
I knew we would need it by the end of May.
I also knew that if I set my mind to something & set a target we would be able to use these working hours as an opportunity to start saving for a bigger vehicle.
If you know me well, when I set financial goals I become pretty determined.
(My family still reminisces about when I was younger & we were moving my dad taught me about budgeting. He told me that I could be in charge of the food budget for our move & whatever money we did not use on food we could use for new clothes for school. Well, I decided that we could all eat popcorn during the move because new school clothing was so very important.)
This past weekend our family met our Goal.
Here is our new addition with lots of space for all 3 car seats.
We are so very excited for our Chevrolet Traverse and boy #3 to arrive shortly.
The boys do think this car is "awesome".
However, I did have to convince Bryant it was an SUV not a van.
In these pictures they are also pretty tired from taking a long drive to get our car.
We have officially entered the family vehicle world.