Tonight Dave & I got to go out to see the Movie "I Don't know How She Does it".
I love Sarah Jessica Parker & I knew this was a movie for me.
This movie was probably more so funny b/c I relate in so many ways.
In the movie Sarah was a mom of 2 who never slept b/c she was constantly juggling home & work. She was always moving & thinking 20 steps ahead with "lists" & "schedules" of things that always had to be done for work & home. The chaos she called schedules was a reminder of my own daily life.
Daily I wonder how our family ever gets through another work week.
I know I am lucky to be able to juggle both work & home at home.
However, A year ago a good working day schedule was as follows:
9:00AM-1:00PM ~ Boys wake up, eat, play, clean, make dinner & boys to babysitters.
1:00PM-6:00PM ~Work some more
6:00PM - 11:00PM ~ Dinner, workout, family time, errands, clean, boys to bed & bedtime.
Many, many, many times a good working day would be thrown out the window.
One of the biggest threats to our day was always when the boys would deviate from the schedule & wake up before 9AM. As soon as the schedule was thrown out the window I knew it would be a long day.
~ On these days I hoped that the Kids tv would buy me an extra 20+ minutes of work.
~ On these day I hoped that Myles would not shutdown the computer power cord.
~ On these days I hoped that my house would not be destroyed while I gave the boys anything they wanted so that they would stay quiet during an important phone call.
~ On these days I hoped that work would be quiet & receive no calls during a toy fight.
~ On these days lunch usually was a drive-through run for a Large Pepsi & minutes of peace in the car before the babysitter's & starting my second round of work.
~ On these days cleaning, working out & dinners were always negotiable.
At the end of these days we hoped for tomorrow to be a good day or the weekend.
This year we are so lucky to have Dave's brother temporarily move in to help be our "nanny". Our family LOVES having his help & the peace he has brought to our home.
Here's a picture of Uncle Stephen with Baby Bryant.
(pre-mission & pre-hair cut days).
I will post a newer pictures of Uncle Stephen & the boys soon.