Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Born Family "Curse"

Baby Born #3...
You may be wondering why I titled this Blog As "The Born Family Curse" & Then Post a Picture of our Upcoming New Family Addition....Born Baby BOY #3. 

(We Really are SOOOO Excited for Boy #3)

However, It All Began When I first met my Lovely Mother-In-Law.
Yes, Years ago one of my first visits with my Mother-In-Law was about the topic of future children. UGH!

Her thoughts on the topic "I hope you like boys because Born men DO NOT make Girls" 
Funny because my thoughts were.....
 "I was a teenage girl once & don't really want to raise one"

And then when we got pregnant with our 1st & then our 2nd the comments continued....
"Born Men DO NOT make Girls"
"You're going to have a BOY"
"You're going to have a BOY again"
It's almost as though it was this genetic "Curse". The UNREACHABLE task.

Again....We love our BOYS! 

However, when I found out I was pregnant with #3; 
I was also hoping to "spite" my mother-in-law.
I was hoping, just hoping, I would prove their family wrong.
AND, because I never like to be told NO. 
And my strong will always finds a way to prove that NO wrong.

BUT, when we saw our baby BOY #3 we knew he was meant to be. 
And we wouldn't trade ANY of them for the entire World!!!!
Because, we make the Cutest Baby Boys Around. 
And I already can tell Baby Boy #3 will have the same cute Roy Family Nose.
We LOVE our BOYS!!!

(I will find other ways to use my POWERS to take on OTHER unreachable tasks).

(As a side note Dave's middle Brother did break the tradition & have a cute baby girl, but MY theory is that the middle child is usually genetically programmed unique so it doesn't count).

Monday, October 31, 2011

One Little, Two Little....3???? Little Pumpkins
Only time will tell. 
May 2012

Happy Halloween!

 And Yes, Myles reached his goal & got to go Trick or Treating as a Walker. 
And Yes, Bryant got to go Trick or Treating with a  Pink Pumpkin

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Pink Shopping Cart

And no....this story is not about Little B even though he still loves pink.
This story is about Myles.
Today Myles turned 17 months. 
At his most most recent appointment we were told everything is great.
However, for some reason Myles refuses to walk.
Every pediatrician says he's almost there, no worries, things are great, etc, etc 
But, you start to wonder when little kiddo's 1/2 his age walking circles around him.
So, I have come to the conclusion that Myles has inherited the stubborn Roy gene.
Generations & generations of stubborn Roy's have been born.
These stubborn Roy's do what they want, when they want & how they want. 
This is Myles. He is STUBBORN.
He is our STUBBORN Little Mogli (Jungle Book)
When the ground is rough or cold he would rather lift his knees then walk. 
It does not matter how much you bribe, beg or trick him into walking he refuses.

BUT, I too am a Roy & have inherited such traits & have years of Stubbornness behind my belt & I am more determined to get him to walk.
My SOLUTION: The PINK Shopping Cart.
Every night we are now doing Pink Shopping cart laps around my kitchen.
Yes, laps & for lengthy periods of times. We make games & Bryant is involved too.
Everyone loves it & it has become a daytime & nighttime game.
To make it a little manly we started to include the green lawnmower. 
Tonight we are seeing progress. His laps "tricked" him into taking steps on his own.
Our STUBBORN little man will walk.
B/c his STUBBORN mother is on a mission. 
It's all about "The bare necessities, The simple bare necessities..
..."Of mother natures recipes, That bring the bare necessities to life".

Monday, October 24, 2011

Life with Uncle Stephen - The Boys are Baking.

While the weather was nice the boys spent many hours outside. They love the outside & below is one of the few snapshots I snuck from my office window. A few weeks ago they decided to have lunch outside. 
Now that the weather is getting colder we needed to start thinking of ideas so that our boys do not turn into regular "Monsters". 
If they are caged up too long they really do become "dragons".
Here's a sneak peak of our upcoming Halloween Dragons with Uncle Stephen. 
To prevent a lot of craziness we have decided to plan a few different activities for different days of the week.
Monday is now our Baking Days. 
The Boys are going to Bake goodies & decorate little cards for Grandma, Grandpa, Monday night Missionary dinners & whoever wants to try out the goodies these 3 boys create. 
Today the boys made brownies with candies galore. 
And their brownies included a portrait of a special someone that all our 3 boys adore. 
The portrait is on the bottom right.
Do you know who it is???
Her name starts with an "S".....
Let's hope for many more fun indoor activities. 
And if you would like some goodies please let us know because I do not need the extra winter pounds.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mississauga - Home Away from Home

This past week I got to take another Work road trip to Mississauga. 
I love coming to Mississauga.It's my second home.
It's the place where I actually get to go into work.
It's the place where I get to spend a week with my colleagues.
It's the place where I get to sit face to face with people I talk to every day on the phone. 
It's the place where I get to laugh with coworkers.
We have had so many laughs this past week. 
We laughed during lunches, meetings, all day & night. 
And I can't wait for my next work road trip & for more laughs. 

 Thanks to my wonderful bosses I continue to work with so many great people. 
8+ years & hopefully many more. 
I'm so grateful for the work situation I am in & now to be able to drive home tomorrow to see my family. 
BUT.......I will be back so soon.

The Birthday Boy(s)

Last Saturday September 24th we celebrated Bryant's 3rd Birthday.
We also celebrated Myles 1 1/3rd Birthday b/c we were pathetic & didn't really celebrate Myles 1st Birthday this past May. However, a birthday for 2 was so much fun!
The boys loved having both grandparents & their Uncle Stephen & Stephanie.
The Birthday Boys.  Loving Balloons & sneaking some cake 

Half way through the pizza party Myles decided it was nap time.

As Myles napped we moved on to the games. We had a Monster Piñata & it became a came of how many Born boys does it take to break a Piñata. We also volunteered Uncle Stephen to be the one to hold the Piñata while Little Bryant tried to break the Piñata with a stick. Luckily Bryant wasn't such a strong hitter. If Myles was awake Uncle Stephen may have needed to watch out b/c Myles sure loves to cause trouble.


After the piñata fun the grandparents wanted Bryant to cut the Cake. He loved it & had been asking to eat cake all week. Our cake was actually made by the same lady who had made our wedding cake 4 years ago.

Both boys had a great day & we spoiled by both families. The loved the presents, cake, pizza. But, they especially loved all the attention from all their family members. Bryant's train & car collection has grown substantially. Both boys have also been watching The Monster movie almost daily thanks to their Uncle Stephen & Stephanie.

Thanks for all the birthday fun! We had a great day! And to end the day off we even got to Skype with the Calgary cousins & Aunt Mary & Aunt Jenna.
Happy 3rd Birthday Bryant & Happy 16 months Myles!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Who's the Boss?

I thought I could teach my boys at a young age "Who's the Boss".
Until recently I used to ask Bryant "Who's the Boss?"
His response was always "Mommy's the Boss".
However,  when Bryant turned 2 1/2 his response turned into "Bryant's the Boss".

Tonight, for the 1st time I asked Myles "Who's the Boss?"
His response "I'm the boss".
Myles is 15 months old & he has already decided that he is the boss. 
And Myles really is a bossy one. He is learning too quickly. 
Tonight I also asked him if it's bedtime.
His response "No".
It's now 1013PM & he's still going strong.

Here are my 2 little boys who rule the house. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"I Don't know How she Does It" - Story of My Life

Tonight Dave & I got to go out to see the Movie "I Don't know How She Does it".
I love Sarah Jessica Parker & I knew this was a movie for me.
This movie was probably more so funny b/c I relate in so many ways.

In the movie Sarah was a mom of 2 who never slept b/c she was constantly juggling home & work. She was always moving & thinking 20 steps ahead with "lists" & "schedules" of things that always had to be done for work & home. The chaos she called schedules was a reminder of my own daily life. 

Daily I wonder how our family ever gets through another work week.
I know I am lucky to be able to juggle both work & home at home.
However, A year ago a good working day schedule was as follows:

6:30AM-9:00AM ~ Work 
9:00AM-1:00PM ~ Boys wake up, eat, play, clean, make dinner & boys to babysitters. 
1:00PM-6:00PM ~Work some more
6:00PM - 11:00PM ~ Dinner, workout, family time, errands, clean, boys to bed & bedtime.

Many, many, many times a good working day would be thrown out the window.

One of the biggest threats to our day was always when the boys would deviate from the schedule & wake up before 9AM.  As soon as the schedule was thrown out the window I knew it would be a long day. 

~ On these days I hoped that the Kids tv would buy me an extra 20+ minutes of work.
~ On these day I hoped that Myles would not shutdown the computer power cord. 
~ On these days I hoped that my house would not be destroyed while I gave the boys anything they wanted so that they would stay quiet during an important phone call. 
~ On these days I hoped that work would be quiet & receive no calls during a toy fight.
~ On these days lunch usually was a drive-through run for a Large Pepsi & minutes of peace in the car before the babysitter's & starting my second round of work.
~ On these days cleaning, working out & dinners were always negotiable.  

At the end of these days we hoped for tomorrow to be a good day or the weekend.

This year we are so lucky to have Dave's brother temporarily move in to help be our "nanny". Our family LOVES having his help & the peace he has brought to our home. 
Here's a picture of Uncle Stephen with Baby Bryant.
(pre-mission & pre-hair cut days).
I will post a newer pictures of Uncle Stephen & the boys soon.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Did you know that Caillou is on at 130AM?

Bedtime at our house has always been the later the better. We train our boys to stay up late so they sleep in & I get to work in the early mornings. It worked for Bryant & now Myles has finally learned that we stay up late & sleep in. Unfortunately, the only way to train them to sleep in is by keeping them up until 12am, 1am or later.  Lately, Myles has decided that it's party time until 130am, 2am or later. 
It's 1:30AM on Friday Night & we are watching Caillou. A Canadian Classic. 
It's the episode when Caillou gets a Rock Collection. 
Once Myles gives up naps he will start to go to bed with his brother around 9PM but until then we get to enjoy watching our favourite kiddie shows all day & night. Below is a picture of our other late Friday night activity before bedtime. This was taken at 10PM. We love playing basketball & cars before bedtime. 
Good Night World! Hopefully soon....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who goes to Chuck E Cheese @ 9PM? We do!

This past Tuesday Night @ 9PM we ventured out to Chuck E Cheese. 
Why would we do something so crazy?
To full-fill a toilet training promise to our little 2 year old. Tuesday I had promised Bryant that if he did #2 in the toilet we would go to Chuck E Cheese. All afternoon, early evening we promised & hoped he would go soon. The hours kept ticking by & still no progress but Bryant knew what he had to do.
9PM. It happened & luckily Chuck E Cheese was open until 10pm.So, we packed up the car & drove to Chuck E Cheese for pizza, pop & games.We happily informed the employees we were celebrating our little man going Poop in the toilet.
The joys of toilet training!!!!

Our Expert Potty Trainee

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pink Toes & Toilet Training

We are finally trying to toilet train Bryant. With our limited schedule we are hoping to make it quick & painless. This morning Dave has been singing, dancing, bribing & throwing cheerios down the toilet in hopes that Bryant will just sit on the toilet. It is working. However, when it became my turn to get Bryant to sit on the toilet I knew the perfect trick that would make him sit still. "Pink toes". Yes, Bryant loves to have pink toes. Only our little B would sit while getting a pink toe manicure.
And of Course Myles Joined the Fun
Life with 2 boys can still involve pink pedicures.
As long as Dave is not looking.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Joined the World Of Blogging

For the longest time I have wanted to blog but have had no time.
Last night thanks to our wonderful family we got to go to Columbus for the day.
Dave & I spent the day at the temple, the Cheesecake Factory & then blogging.
We forgot our camera so I decided to add a picture from 4 summers ago.
The 1st time we went to the Columbus Ohio temple.

Hopefully lots of more blogging & pictures to come.....